Based in Chicago, USA, X-Oriente is a podcast by R.W. Eric Diamond and W. Jason Van Dyke that explores the ideas and values of Freemasonry in the 21st century.

063: Religion and Politics

063: Religion and Politics


Religion and politics are the two subjects that are forbidden to be discussed in Lodge, as we say they are the two topics that serve to divide men. Recent events in Tennessee have elevated both religion AND politics into the Masonic sphere, causing all kinds of problems. Outside of the Craft, we are in the midst of a political process that is breaking down because of a lack of mutual respect and civility. Can Masonry help us as a society walk this back? Are we destined to be torn apart by the same forces that are straining democracy all over the world? We open the discussion: How can Masonry help?

Here is the link to David Brooks' op-ed in the New York Times, Feb 26, 2016.

Here is a link to the WKNOP story on the GL of Tennessee ousting Bros. Henderson and Clark.

064: Relief

064: Relief

062: Brotherly Love

062: Brotherly Love