Based in Chicago, USA, X-Oriente is a podcast by R.W. Eric Diamond and W. Jason Van Dyke that explores the ideas and values of Freemasonry in the 21st century.

062: Brotherly Love

062: Brotherly Love


The first tenant of Freemasonry is brotherly love. What is brotherly love, how is it distinctive from other kinds of love, and how do we understand it both from historical precedent, and today? If indeed brotherly love is a tenet, how should inform our conduct today? It is said that the tenets of Freemasonry are brotherly love, relief, and truth. And were going to spend the next few shows exploring just exactly what that means.  

Here is the Chivas commercial referenced in the episode:

Here is another film sponsored by Chivas about Brotherhood. Notice the appearance by Jon Batiste, Stephan Colbert's band leader back in 2013:


Here is the Chivas_The Evolution_of_Friendship study.

Special thanks to our Xecutive Producers, and to Mariners Lodge No. 67 in NYC for the photo. If you seen the pictures of their epic Beefsteak 2016 event, then you've seen Brotherly Love in action.

063: Religion and Politics

063: Religion and Politics

061: Blackball!

061: Blackball!