Based in Chicago, USA, X-Oriente is a podcast by R.W. Eric Diamond and W. Jason Van Dyke that explores the ideas and values of Freemasonry in the 21st century.

016: Web Tools for Masons

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One of the most important tasks of any lodge is to communicate effectively with their members. The web offers tons of great tools to help Masons do just that. Many of these tools are cheap or even free of charge (usually if you put up with some advertising). In this, the first of several episodes we'll do from time to time, we review some tools to help your Lodge keep a calendar, manage email lists and start a trestleboard-style blog.

I made a blog in an hour that incorporated a lot of the technologies I review in this episode. You can check out my handiwork here

Here are links to the apps reviewed:

Google Calendar

Google Docs (formerly Writely) and Spreadsheet








Campaign Monitor


Delicious Library

017: Christian Mysticism and the Higher Degrees

015x: 2nd Annual Christmas Music Special