On Sunday, I will be installed as Master of my Lodge, Oriental Lodge No. 33. As the date approaches there is much to do, and our very next meeting we'll be conferring a third degree! Yikes! I'm excited and a little trepidatious. More than anything I want to be a good leader for these guys. They're my guys. My peeps. My tribe. My brothers. I want to do everything I can to give them a good Masonic year. I'm going into this thinking it ain't about me, it's about them.
So how can I improve? What makes a good Master? I need your advice. Share your wisdom with me. Were you Worshipful Master? What worked? What didn't work so well? What would you do over if you had the chance? What should I watch out for?
Call the SkypeIn line at 847-380-1881 and leave a message, or send me an audio file with your advice. I'll put them all together and ask some of my friends and we'll talk about it on the show. I'll share some of my plans, and maybe we'll do a group chat or something over Skype. Thanks!